Our project managers of all sports

Depending on the size of the individual projects, there is a team of project managers in each of the 9 projects. They are responsible for the entire organization in the background, including logistics, personnel and the sporting concept of the camps. They are supported by freelance camp leaders who ensure that everything runs smoothly on site. Direct contact with the parents and children is also very important for the project leaders, which is why they are all on site as camp leaders in some camps.


Team Football

Simon von Bergen

Chief Project Manager Football

"Working at MS Sports is very fulfilling for me, as I get to work with children and young people every day and have the opportunity to pass on values to them through sport, such as how to treat each other."

Lukas Eschmann

Project Leader Football

„I am always amazed at how much fun the kids have every day at the MS Sports Camps. As an active club coach, I think it's important that the kids combine fun and exercise.“

Ueli Pärli

Project Leader Football

"Being on the football pitch every day and sharing the passion for this sport with motivated kids makes working as a camp leader a great experience."

Adrian Sattler

Project Leader Football

„I really appreciate the interaction with the MS Sports team, the coaches, the parents and, above all, the children. The many refreshing acquaintances and contacts motivate me for the upcoming camps and also help me personally as a person.“

Patrick Schneuwly

Project Leader Football

„For me, there's nothing cooler than spending the whole day on the football pitch. My daily goal is to give the kids a great, eventful day. Then we have done a great job as a team.“

Team Polysport

Simon Rohrer

Chief Project Manager Polysport

"I love creating the perfect vacation week for the kids with the right mix of organization and spontaneity, experience and curiosity as well as fun and discipline together with a great team. At the ALDI Sportcamps, I can pass on to the kids my enjoyment of the diverse world of sports."

Angela Käslin

Project Leader Polysport

„Working with children is the most valuable thing for me, because it gives me moments of laughter, teaching and learning. It fills me with pride to have set up the polysport camps with so much organizational skill and with gratitude for the appreciation I receive from the families.“

Jonas Kobler

Project Leader Polysport

"As a child, I often took part in sports camps myself and was always enthusiastic. Now I can pass on my passion to the kids. I am delighted to organize and run the overnight camps in German-speaking Switzerland."

Mauro Ruef

Project Leader Polysport

"At the MS Sports Camps, I can pass on my enthusiasm for sport to the next generation. Getting a smile back from the children and sharing many happy moments with them makes the sports camps inspiring experiences for me."

Michel Neugel

Project Leader Polysport

„As a child, it was always a highlight for me to take part in various sports camps during the school vacations. I really enjoy passing on my experience and passion for sport to the children at the varied ALDI sports camps and making them laugh.“

Alcids Grossglauser

Project Leader Polysport

„Sport has always been my passion. Sharing this with the new generation gives me the opportunity to be the best version of myself. The smile of a satisfied participant is the best reward for my work.“

Team Biking

Michael Kramis

Chief Project Manager Biking

"I enjoy organizing exciting bike camps together with a motivated team. Whether on a nice tour with good people or a day in the bike park, biking inspires me! I look forward to sharing this enthusiasm during the camps."

Sabine Speidel

Project manager Biking

"Mastering challenges, pushing yourself and your limits, being out in nature with colleagues and being able to develop together with others - that's the great thing about biking."

Lukas Sprenger

Project Leader Biking

„When biking, you can be a child again and use nature as a playground. You are often faced with new challenges, just like as a camp leader. These challenges allow you to grow and develop.“

Fabian Jöhl

Project Leader Biking

„Giving children a meaningful leisure activity, combined with my passion and great coaches, is what fulfills me every day. When I see the progress and the many shining eyes at the end of a camp week, it motivates me all the more - because children are our future.“

Louis Eisenhut

Project Leader Biking

„As a passionate mountain biker, I want to give something back and show the world how great this sport is. Seeing the next generation of the MTB community develop and the enthusiasm I can inspire in the kids makes my job the best there is.“

Team Racketsport

Adrian Sager

Project Manager Racketsport

„It's exciting to be able to take the tennis project forward. I'm happy to open up the world of tennis to the kids and introduce them to this sport. The kids' commitment on the tennis court is a huge pleasure and, in my opinion, fun is the most important thing in a sports week.“

Enrico Heiner

Project Manager Racketsport

"Offering children and young people throughout Switzerland a meaningful vacation activity gives me great satisfaction. Continuously expanding and optimizing the offer is what particularly appeals to me about working at MS Sports."

Team Dancing

Shane Hegarty

Chief Project Manager Dancing

„The smiles on the children's faces and their joy during a camp motivates me in my work. I passionately take on the responsibility of giving the children the opportunity to have fun and let off steam in a week.“

Rahel Hodel

Project Leader Dancing

"Sport and the camp feeling have been a great passion of mine for many years. In addition to my work as a dance teacher and mommy, I really enjoy working at MS Sports."

Team Snow Sport

Jonas Kobler

Project Manager Snow Sports

„Spending a week in the snow together with colleagues and a cool team of leaders was always a highlight for me when I was at school. After 6 winter seasons as a ski instructor, I'm looking forward to organizing the snow camps at MS Sports and passing on my experience to the kids.“

Team Horse Riding

Carina Kronenberg

Project Manager Riding

„I am delighted to be part of the MS Sports team as a camp leader and to be able to pass on my enthusiasm for equestrian sports to the children in this way.“

Team Chess & Sport

Peter Hug

Project Manager Chess & Sport

„As a chess instructor, I see myself as an ambassador for the new Swiss sport of chess. Thanks to the professional MS Sports team, hundreds of children have the unique opportunity to learn chess in combination with other sports.“

Team Gaming & Sport

Simon Rohrer

Chief Project Manager Gaming & Sport

„Working with a professional partner like MYI Entertainment to meet the demand for gaming and e-sports and combining this with sport and exercise is something I think is very sensible and important. We can combine fun and action with topics such as responsible gaming and social interaction.“

Michel Neugel

Project Leader Gaming & Sport

„The project shows the versatility of sport and promotes a responsible approach to gaming. The combination of mental challenges and physical activity inspires me, encourages the children and is fun for everyone involved.“

Team Outdoor & Sport

Simon Eggerschwiler

Project Manager Outdoor & Sport

"Being outdoors with children, spending an unforgettable time, seeing the kids laugh, mature and grow, encouraging them and strengthening them in their efforts, opening their eyes to the love that nature gives us and always turning their gaze lovingly inwards - that is my mission."

Team Events

Nicolas Meyer

Project Manager Events

"Football and MS Sports have always played a very big role in my life and fascinated me. I want to share this fascination with the children and offer them a platform to live it out."

Tanja Poppler

Project Leader Events

"Working for MS Sports means a lot to me. Our aim is to get children and young people interested in sport and make their eyes sparkle. Sport is also essential in my everyday life, which is why I feel that MS Sports is the right place for me."

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